Policymakr · The world's first online think tank

Shape public policy.

Policymakr will be the world's first online think-tank, connecting citizens, policy makers and experts. We're currently in beta, but once we go live you can be one of the first to join.

Shape public policy.

Policymakr will be the world's first online think-tank, connecting citizens, policy makers and experts. We're currently in beta, but once we go live you can be one of the first to join.

Wren McDonald, Citizens
Wren McDonald, Citizens
Citizens, for Policymakr by Wren McDonald.

Can we reset democracy?

Today, information is immediately available, but that has come at a huge cost: by accelerating decision-making, it has lessened citizens’ ability to consider issues and their merits in a longer-term perspective. BBC journalist Richard Fisher argued recently that our inability to look beyond the latest news cycle could be one of the most dangerous traits of our generation.

Policymakr will reset the treatment and perception of politics on the Internet, using the tools of the 2020s to plan humankind’s long-term future.

Citizens, policy makers and experts: planning our future with facts.

Projects are at the core of Policymakr. Its governance structure, rules and economic model are designed from the ground up to provide an online place for policy formulation that actors from all backgrounds can equally trust.

We will make Citizens, Policy Makers and Experts work together online to solve a policy issue. By building on and broadening existing efforts at partnership, especially in the field of Open Government, Policymakr will restore confidence between the public, those in public office, both elected and unelected, and those with the technical knowledge on each subject.